#8. The Bullet Journal Method (by Ryder Carroll)

This is what I learned from this book: The two of the most important resources we have at our disposal are our time and our energy. Productivity comes when we are able to focus our energy at a given time. Often times, however, we use our time and energy without intention and mindfulness resulting inContinue reading “#8. The Bullet Journal Method (by Ryder Carroll)”

#7. Everything Is Figureoutable (Marie Forleo)

Here’s what I learned from this book. Train your brain for growth by asking yourself these two questions: What can I learn from this? & How can it work for me? Never say, “I already know this,” or “This won’t work for me.” Why limit your options even before making an attempt? Everything in theContinue reading “#7. Everything Is Figureoutable (Marie Forleo)”

#6. Smarter, Faster, Better (Charles Duhigg)

Here’s what I learned from this book. The secret of being productive in life and also in business is to make a wise choice. We don’t have to be busy. We can do less but still be productive when we make wise choices. Duhigg suggests eight different ideas of productivity that can help you makeContinue reading “#6. Smarter, Faster, Better (Charles Duhigg)”

#5. StoryBrand (Donald Miller)

Actionable Insights from the Book: The key to make your message seen, heard, and understood is to make it about something that can help your readers (customers) survive and thrive. Position yourself to be the guide, not the hero. The one you’re writing to is the hero! Get to the point! People don’t want toContinue reading “#5. StoryBrand (Donald Miller)”

#3. Principles (Ray Dalio)

Actionable Insights from the Book: 1. Whether people realize it or not, everyone operates under his or her own principles. It’s important to understand that people are not irrational animals or creatures of instinct. They behave under their principles. What are your principles?  Also, your principles are related to your values. And your values areContinue reading “#3. Principles (Ray Dalio)”

#2. Digital Minimalism (Cal Newport)

Actionable Insights from the Book 1. For the next week or two, log in the time and frequency of your technology use. What social media apps do you use the most? How long and how often in a day? Carefully log how long and how often you spend time on using technology. Just checking thisContinue reading “#2. Digital Minimalism (Cal Newport)”

#1. Spiritual Direction (Henri Nouwen)

Insights from the book: 1. In a journey to spiritual growth, your questions are more important than answers. Having the questions of your identity, your purpose in life, meaning in life, and so on is the indicator that you are on the right path. What questions are you asking about yourself and life? Helping othersContinue reading “#1. Spiritual Direction (Henri Nouwen)”

#4. Unplug (by Suze Yalof Schwartz)

What I learned from the book. 1. Doing less doesn’t necessarily mean being lazy or being unproductive. Doing less may be an evidence of your focusing on what’s important. Thus, accomplishing more! 2. One of the benefits of meditation is to finding strength to face the reality with a heightened sense. By learning to directContinue reading “#4. Unplug (by Suze Yalof Schwartz)”